Open House Feature
Brivity Go
Project Overview
Open House feature is located in Brivity Go App (Target users: Real estate agent.) This feature allows users to create open house and the check in forms.
The forms are for customers to fill out when they walk into the open house. The datas will be generated after they filled out and checked in. These leads(visitors) and datas helps agents to know what do the visitors look for in this housing market which help them to know who are the potential clients.
Life Cycle of the Open House feature
For us to understand the whole scope of this project, we made sure we have clear understanding on user's journey and any question we have before we start designing.
States of Design
The Open House Report. This report provides crucial information for real agent to understand the needs of those who come into the open house. On this screen agents can start and end the open house. They can see the datas of the numbers of people who check in into the house in real time.
Select Open House feature from the button navigation.
On the following screen, users can find the scheduled open house and the past existed open house.And they can also create an Open House on this screen as well.
They can make edits on the scheduled open houses that haven't started yet or anytime they want as long as the open house has not activated by an agent.
The agents can retrieve the Open House datas from the past open house. These datas are important for real estate brokers and agents to get in touch to the potential customers.
2.Activate/ Start the Open House
3.Lock Screen
On Open House report Page, users can start/ end the open house, click on check-in mode to generate forms, and retrieve all datas from here.
We provide a function that the agent can lock the screen when visitors are filling out the form. This prevent people to access to private info in the app. Codes are required to unlock the screen.
After visitor check-in, they have the option to receive property flyers via texts.
Generate flyer
Agents can generate flyers on the Open House report screen. They can either print the flyer or share it to visitors who need it.
Open House flyer (Tablet size)
Check-In (Registration form)
Visitors are required to fill out the registration form before they start touring the house. .
The information that is filled out by the visitors are collected when they click on the "check in" button at the end of the registration form. (Image left)
The Open House Report collects all datas and the agents can contact visitors through this screen.(GIF right)
Optimal Size and Spacing for Mobile Buttons
Pixel notes for buttons on Open House Report